Monday, December 12, 2016

Exercise Fail & New Hair....

Well I failed at exercising after I said I would. 10 minutes! It's only 10 minutes and not even that hard of exercise I think. Ugh I'm mad at myself. Also I F*cked up my hair trying to cut it myself and ended up having to shave down one side. It actually turned out ok but damn it's tough to get used to having such short hair. I think I overcompensated today by putting on heavier makeup than normal.
Anyway we shall start the exercise tonight!!! 10 minutes! I can do this! 

Friday, December 9, 2016


I was so stoked to get my new clothes order today...only for all the jeans to be to small...

While normally I'd just return them and get a bigger size I am NOT going to do that this time. I'm going to hold onto them until I fit in them DAMMIT. They are size 18...I was an 18 two months ago....apparently I've been eating too much and not movie enough. I'm gonna change that here and now. I will not give up food...I love it too much...however I will start trying to cut back my portions and add 10 minutes of cardio a day. I know 10 minutes doesn't seem like a lot but I don't want to overwhelm myself. I do that a lot. Set out on a path gung-ho 120% all in....and then only last like 1-2 months before I quit. I really need to make this a lifestyle change not just a phase I go through. I want to be strong and not die and sweat every time I do anything remotely active. I want to be able to do a push-up and run a mile. I know I'm far from that but I know I can get there. I'm 30 years old. A strong, independent woman who is capable. I can freaking do this. Starting with doing a 10 minute workout each day. That is step one. I will check in tomorrow to show how that went.